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Why Self-Awareness Leads to Deeper Intimacy With God with T.J. MacLeslie
At the heart of the spiritual journey is relationship.
Growing in self-awareness is not an end in itself, but the heart and the means to deeper intimacy with God. As author and ministry leader T.J. MacLeslie and I...
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Sorting Through the Competing Voices in Your Mind with Gem Fadling
"You're not good enough.” "You need to try harder." "You’ll never keep up.” “There isn’t enough time.”
These are the sorts of voices that can hum just beneath the surface of our minds, pushing us to act in...
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How to Begin Listening to Your Body (And Why It’s So Hard to Do)
God designed our bodies to tell us incredibly important things when it comes to growing and healing.
In fact, I believe that one of the primary places we can grow in self-awareness is not books or podcasts or...
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Learning to Listen to the Story Your Body Is Telling with Chuck DeGroat
While the work of self-awareness begins with pursuing a better understanding of our lives and stories, so many of us can stop there.Â
As licensed therapist, author, and professor Chuck DeGroat and I talk about today,...
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How to Process Complicated Emotions with Anjuli Paschall
For most of us, feelings are messy.Â
Oftentimes, we don’t have words for what we’re feeling, and we get stuck in a dark and painful place. Because emotions can be complicated, we have so many strategies to not feel...
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When Crisis Invites You to Encounter the Deepest Parts of Yourself with Josh Summers
While Josh and his family was doing ministry in China, he was detained and interrogated by authorities and had no idea if or when he would be released.Â
In this week’s episode, Josh graciously shares some of his...
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It's What You Do With Self-Awareness That Matters
One of the things that I’ve learned about self-awareness over the last few years is that self-awareness is something we can choose, but it’s also something that happens to us.
It comes at certain points in our lives...
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Why Self-Awareness Changes Everything
When I reflect on my own journey over the last 7 or 8 years, I can’t think of something that has changed my life, my relationship with God, others, or even myself more than self-awareness.
I truly believe that...
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Series 6 Trailer | How Can I Be More Self-Aware?
How well do you know yourself?Â
Growing in self-awareness is probably one of the hardest, but most important things we could ever do. Why? The short answer is this: you can’t change what you don’t know. But one of the...
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When Your Spiritual Growth Feels Frustratingly Slow with Chip (Replay)
I think that everyone could testify to how imperceptibly incremental our spiritual growth can feel in some areas of our lives.
 If you’re like me, you’ve often felt a disconnect between the theology that that you...
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When You Feel Betrayed by God with Jessica (Replay)
So many of us have experienced a before and after.
A “before” you knew that life was fragile… and an “after.” When you can’t go back. You can’t un-know. You are changed. In this episode, my friend Jess joins me to...
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"Am I Safe if I Trust God?" with Jennifer (Replay)
One of the hardest questions to answer in life is not “Does God exist?” but “Is God kind?”
Sometimes, unspeakable things happen at the hands of others. Trauma of any kind often shatters are capacity to trust...
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