When You Feel Betrayed by God with Jessica (Replay)
So many of us have experienced a before and after.
A “before” you knew that life was fragile… and an “after.” When you can’t go back. You can’t un-know. You are changed. In this episode, my friend Jess joins me to share about her recent miscarriage journey. Although Jess shares about the loss of a child, she speaks to the emotional undercurrent of loss in a way that I think will deeply resonate with many different experiences of sorrow.
In a week full of holiday celebration, the complexity of holding both grief and joy together can often times feel overwhelming. What Jess does so beautifully is put words and phrases to the experience of loss in a way that feels anchoring, truthful, and sacred. As you’ll hear in our conversation, she does this through the wise and painful work of staying present to herself, God, and to her own heart.
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